TIF - Final Episode

The Invisible Fence Podcast RIP: October 2005 - September 2008
Here is the FINAL episode of The Invisible Fence Podcast. We are ending the show and have closed the website due to legal threats. But not to worry...
We are working on a brand new show and website, but its going to take some time. Please keep checking The Andy & Bryan Show website at http://theandyandbryanshow.blogspot.com for more details as they become available.
We've had an incredible 3 years... Thanks for listening, we couldn't have done it without your support! We hope to you'll stick around for our new show(s)
- Andy Einstein, Bryan Bigshot, The Other Andy, Matt Murdock, Angie Anime, Jason
Intro music: none
Ending music: "Dragon Fly" by: Android Lust
Click here to download the Final Episode, or subscribe to our RSS Feed