The Invisible Fence - Episode 28

In this episode:
- Steel Cage Death Match
- "Pro"
- Andy's War on Matt Murdock
- A Rock Free Show
- Evil Vending Machines
- 1970s Vending Machines
- Phil Collins Has Like Twenty Good Songs (and sixty ok ones)
- More How many five year olds could you take in a fight?
- The Demise of HD DVD
- Bad Acting Theater: 18 Wheelers: Pro American Pro Truckers
- Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
- Irrational Hatreds
- The (Short-Lived?) Return of the Mac Book
Note: The error in the BAT game title is on purpose.
Intro music: "Dr. Zaius", by: The Simpsons
Ending music: "I Don't Care Anymore", by: Phil Collins
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