The Invisible Fence - Episode 19

Go Whiplash! Go!
We return from our vacation with at least 3 different monkey related topics... Don't worry, nothing cliche. I feel this is one of our best episodes, and at just over 2 hours long it gets the "Rupert Seal of Approval!"
In this episode:
- Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey!
- The Animal uprising
- Lots of crude sexual humor
- YouTube censorship
- Andy was a bad salesman
- Bad Acting Theater 5 (House of the Dead 2)
- Spiderman 3 (We haven't seen it yet)
- Dog erection complaint to the FCC?
- "Grain bread"
- Over 65? Andy is done with you!
- Arrested Development
- There are Liberals Under My Bed
- Andy's goes mobile with his portable voice recorder...
- Las Vegas
- Long flights
- "Andy will pull up his bank statement!"
- Impressions of Andy's Dad
- A Play by Play
- Zoo (a documentary)... WTF?!
- Andy's stuck in 1988
- Bryan temporarily turns into a black woman
Intro music: "What I've Done", by: Linkin Park
Ending music: "The Main Monkey Business", by: Rush

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